HOME MADE COMPANY INC. has implemented internally its “principles for protecting personal information” of which all staff strictly adheres to.
Privacy Statement
- HOME MADE COMPANY INC. complies with laws and regulations regarding the usage of its users’ and employees’ personal information. In addition, HOME MADE COMPANY INC. implies Japan Industrial Standards’ “Personal information protection management systems Requirements” (JISQ15001) to protect personal information.
- When collecting personal information directly from users, HOME MADE COMPANY INC. will clearly state the purpose of its usage, and will only use personal information within the domain stated in advance.
- HOME MADE COMPANY INC. will not disclose personal information to any third party without users’ consent. However, if disclosure is legally requested by the state, local government, court, police or any other organizations that are legally authorized to do so, HOME MADE COMPANY INC. may disclose personal information without users’ consent.
- In case of receiving inquiries or claims regarding the usage of the personal information, HOME MADE COMPANY INC. will investigate immediately and properly address such requests within reasonable period.
- HOME MADE COMPANY INC. handles personal information with the greatest care taking the appropriate corporate and technical safety measures to prevent loss, defacing, and leakage through unauthorized access.
- In the divisions of HOME MADE COMPANY INC. that handle personal information, the “Compliance Program” will be revised on regular basis to ensure continuous improvements in the protection of users’ personal information.
Purpose of collecting personal information
HOME MADE COMPANY INC. uses its users’ personal information within the scope of the business activities below.
Limitation of provision to a third party
HOME MADE COMPANY INC. shall not handle personal information beyond the necessity to fulfill the purpose of use without consent from the person in question. However, the following cases are exceptional.
- In the case when user’s consent is obtained in advance
- Cases in which the provision of personal information is based on laws
- In the case where all or part of the handling of personal information is entrusted, when the personal information concerned is handled within the scope of the achievement of the purpose of use
Entrusting of personal information
There are some cases when we entrust personal information to the outsourcer who maintain certain personal information protection standards, for the purpose of personnel management, delivery of parcels, or maintenance and work over operation.
Procedure regarding disclosure and correction of personal information
Please contact the below when the person requests notification of the purpose of utilization, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, utilization stop or elimination or stop of provision to a third party (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure etc."), concerning the personal information that we hold.
Mail to Support
1st July, 2009
Representative Director
Contact for inquiry and complaint concerning personal information
Please contact us as regards inquiry, complaint, or consultation concerning the handling of personal information.
Inquiries about handling of personal information